Archive for September, 2008

Typing Mania 4

What do you get when you combine anime songs and a typing game? The addictive flash game Typing Mania 4 ! The trick though is that most of the songs will be in romaji (not the standard ones you’ll see here; discussed below) except for some songs which are in English, such as “Euphoric Field” and “Fly Me to the Moon”. It has a feel similar to DDR and its hundred clone army, but you don’t need to type the lyrics according to when they’re sung, just within the interval given. This actually threw my typing off a lot as I wait for the song to catch up before typing more.


September 6, 2008 at 4:00 am 4 comments

Become a Kid Again Event

So it seems that Nexon seems that 10 year olds aren’t young enough for some enough, so everyone is now a 9 year old for 3 days. Lots of chibis running around. But that’s not really a surprising thing.

What’s surprising though is….


September 6, 2008 at 2:25 am 3 comments

Puripuri & Avalon Peaca Run

Today, Puripuri and Avalon did a joint guild run through Peaca dungeon, named PAAWAOAFFOOATMGAPDR, aka the Puripuri, Avalon, as well as Other Assorted Friends from Other Obscure and Therefore Meaningless Guilds Alliance Peaca Dungeon Run. In total, the run took about 5.5 hrs with less than an hour of breaks (for dinner, water, etc).


September 6, 2008 at 2:10 am 5 comments


[Hatsune Miku] Monochroact (Original) by doriko

Niconico link

doriko’s latest Miku song, Monochroact, posted on August 4th. I didn’t listen to it until now, but I always love his songs, especially 「歌に形はないけれど」 (Uta ni Katachi wa Nai keredo). Actually, I like it so much, I’m gonna post it here as well.

Niconico link

If you are interested in doriko’s songs, please visit his site at

September 5, 2008 at 11:12 pm 2 comments

G3 Protection Charm Side Quest

I guess I’ll make a post about the protection charm side quest, since it is a bit confusing. The G3 protection charm side quest is towards the end of G3 mainstream, between Baol intrusion and Baol final. You can proceed with G3 without doing it. The side quest offers a side story about Aodhan (female characters) or Eavan (male characters), additional ending credits and a 5 protection ring that you may equip on your hand for Baol final dungeon. This ring will need to be given back to the respective NPC after you have completed the dungeon.

If you wish to complete this side quest, there are some things you have to avoid after completing Baol intrusion.

1) Relogging before talking to Kristell.
2) Talking to Aodhan/Eavan before Kristell.
3) Talking to Seumas before Kristell.
4) Talking to Seumas before Aodhan/Eavan, but after Kristell.
5) Rebirthing into the other gender while doing G3.

Basically, the path you should take is this:

Kristell Aodhan/Eavan Seumas Relog

An owl will deliver you the quest and everything is straightforward from this point on. Hope this helps.

September 5, 2008 at 2:19 pm Leave a comment

Balmung’s Baol Run

Yesterday, Presea and I helped with Balmung’s Baol final run. Pretty straightforward stuff: archer, melee, archer/melee. Took a bit longer than usual, since I was doing most of the killing with them being WM shields. Wiped a lot to Argus family. I still hate them. A lot.


September 5, 2008 at 1:54 pm 1 comment

Best Moe – R1, Groups 3-4

Group 3
Ran Mouri (Detective Conan)
Sakura (Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations)
C.C. (Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2)
Sekai Saionji (School Days)

Group 4
Nagisa Furukawa (CLANNAD)
Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
Nunnally Lamperouge (Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2)
Lala Satalin Deviluke (To Love-Ru)


September 5, 2008 at 12:40 pm 1 comment

Saimoe – E03, E07, E11

Ayanami Rei (Shin Seiki Evangelion series)
Kagami Kuro (Kodomo no Jikan)
Yuuki Nona (Nanatsuiro*Drops)

Umegae Naomi (Zettai Karen Children)
Minami Chiaki (Minami-ke series)
Zashikiwarashi (xxxHOLiC Kei)

Kogami Akira (Lucky*Star)
Minase Iori (IDOLM@STER series)
Tsukishima Koko (Da Capo II)

A vote for Koko is a vote for Nanaka!


September 5, 2008 at 12:08 pm 2 comments

A peek back at RO: wanko ver. ^^

screenSakray 894Hikari No Tenshi, after the rollover that never happened

Just looking back Micchi-sempai’s post, I sure missed Ragnarok Online. I didn’t stay too long when FFXI came out, but I sure had fun during those months with Hikaten! Although the game lacked quests and was full of grinding at the time, the community was quite unlike any other. I’ve been to World of Warcraft and FFXI, but it never felt the same. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the fun times I had with everyone, but playing that game really showed that there are more kind people out there than I thought. Even now I’m deeply moved seeing how great everyone was! Gooo Hikaten!

View the full post for a few more pictures, and click the pictures for its full size. Some pictures contain some funny text such as Micchi-sempai predicting my death or funny party names… that Kyo took part in.. you’ll have to click and see.


September 5, 2008 at 5:05 am 5 comments

A peek back at RO

So I was talking to a guildie from RO about stuff today (<3 ya Joolie!) and heard that iRO is pretty much turning into a “giant pile of private server”. Sure enough, looking at the official site, there’s clothing dyes and… wth another exp event? (How many of those have there been already in the past 3 months!?) It seems that kRO is also exploring the possibility of a “renewal system”, revamping the game to fit in 3rd classes. I honestly don’t know much about it, but this seems to be a big change for the game.

Although even with the constant doom and gloom regarding future patches for RO (and most MMOs), I know that RO will always be there. I just sure hope it doesn’t drag me back for the 4th (5th?) time. You know, it’s that game that you just can’t quit.

September 4, 2008 at 5:42 pm 5 comments

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