Archive for September, 2008

Saimoe – D04, D08, D12

Well, first post about Saimoe on this blog. It’s actually the final day for first round of block D. All I have to say is… there’s a high chance that a cat will win D12.

What? Are you serious?

September 2, 2008 at 11:34 pm 1 comment

A New Beginning

Well, I’ve been a bit less busy in Mabinogi, so I’m going to start up my Mabi-journal again. The problem I had with my last one was that it was really annoying to use. It wasn’t really set up to be used in a blog/journal format, so a lot of it had to be hard-coded. It also didn’t allow commenting, so this should fix things.

I’ve also decided to expand upon my adventures and experiences in Mabinogi with some other stuff I like, namely anime and manga. Most importantly, there’s the annual Saimoe tournament progressing on 2ch and the Best Moe tournament in Korea right now. So, I’ll probably be commenting occasionally on these.

Finally, I’m a lazy person. So, I update whenever I feel like it, which usually isn’t often since I’d rather be playing Mabinogi or reading forums. However, here’s to a new beginning. Cheers!

September 2, 2008 at 9:37 pm 3 comments

Newer Posts

I'm no longer making any eroge posts nor actively updating the upcoming releases. Thanks for following the blog through all these years and hope that it has been helpful. Please continue to support the eroge industry and love your imoutos!
